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​Best San Bernardino DUI Lawyer Explains where to start with a 4 year old 2nd DUI.


Q:  I got a second DUI, bailed out, missed court date, tried to turn myself in and got turned away. It’s been over 4 years and I’m trying to get this taken care of so I can get my license back. I have not been in trouble with the law since.

A:  Advice, hire an attorney most criminal defense attorneys give a free consultation. Hopefully you can find one you like and trust, one who you feel like you have good communication with, who you can afford to hire, who practices in the county/jurisdiction where that case was. After learning more about your situation your lawyer should explain the different options for how you can proceed.

If you never showed up for the first court date, you might actually be able to beat the case on speedy trial grounds. You should contact an attorney and see where the case is at procedurally.

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