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Can Medical Conditions Be Used to Dismiss DUI Charges in San Bernardino County?


How Can I Get a DUI Dismissed on the Grounds of a Medical Condition in San Bernardino County?

Everyone wants to be a safe driver. No one intentionally endangers other people by getting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Most people understand the responsibilities and privileges of driving and refrain from trying to drive a car if they are impaired in any way. However, there are situations where a person’s driving abilities may be impaired beyond their control. This involves certain medical conditions.

Some people may suffer from medical issues that occasionally impact their driving ability. These symptoms can come and go, which means these individuals can and do live average lives most of the time. However, if their condition begins producing symptoms while they happen to be operating a motor vehicle, it can have severe consequences. This is because the symptoms of some medical conditions can cause a driver to behave impaired, which could lead to the driver being pulled over.

If an officer suspects someone is driving intoxicated, they can be arrested. This can lead to a person being charged with DUI even if they hadn’t been consuming any intoxicating substances. This is why if you or a loved one were arrested on suspicion of DUI due to a medical issue, you must contact an experienced attorney.

What is DUI in California?

A person commits a DUI in California if they operate a motor vehicle after consuming any substance that impairs their abilities. While most people think of alcohol consumption when they think of DUIs, marijuana is the leading cause of DUI-related fatal wrecks in California. A person can also be arrested on suspicion of DUI if they have been taking over-the-counter or prescription medication that impairs their abilities. Regardless of whether a substance is legal or not, if it impacts someone’s ability to drive, it can lead to an arrest for DUI.

In California, DUI arrests are usually at the discretion of a given police officer. This is because blood alcohol content (BAC) is the only metric to measure the level of a person’s intoxication during a traffic stop. This is only applicable if a person has been drinking. If a person is under the influence of non-alcoholic drugs such as marijuana or prescription medication, there is no test an officer can administer. This means each police officer uses their discretion when determining if someone is DUI and making an arrest.

If someone suffers from a medical condition that can make it seem as if they are impaired, this could lead a police officer to believe they are DUI. This is especially true if the person seems like they are under the influence of non-alcohol-related drugs. In some cases, the effects of certain medical conditions could mimic intoxication. If this happens, a person can be arrested on suspicion of DUI.

How Can I Be Arrested for DUI Due to Medical Conditions in California?

In the field, an officer has no way of knowing if someone has been taking prescription medication or illegal substances. If someone appears impaired, an officer will usually make an arrest.

Certain medical conditions may mimic DUI. These include conditions that result in low blood sugar or cause dizziness, as well as conditions that cause temporary mental disorientation or other physiological effects that briefly impair a person’s abilities. Some medical conditions that may mimic intoxication include but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Diabetes
  • Anxiety
  • Heart Disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Hypoglycemia

Say, for example, a managed diabetic was driving their car and had a sudden fluctuation in blood sugar. This could cause a wave of dizziness that causes them to swerve their vehicle briefly. Even if the driver immediately corrected their course, an officer might think they were impaired. Brief dizziness can sometimes lead to temporary disorientation. This disorientation may impact speech but not motor skills. This means a person could drive safely but have difficulty formulating a sentence. If an officer pulls someone over experiencing this brief disorientation, they may think the driver is impaired. If this happens, the driver can be arrested.

Is a Medical Condition a Defense to a DUI Charge in California?

A person can successfully argue they were experiencing a medical issue if they were arrested for DUI in California. However, the burden of proof is on the arrestee. This means the person charged must prove they suffer from a medical condition and were not driving intoxicated.

There are numerous ways a person can demonstrate to a court of law that they suffer from a medical condition that may cause them to appear intoxicated. This may include but is not necessarily limited to:

  • Medical Records
  • Doctors’ Testimony
  • Expert Witnesses
  • Test Results

Many drivers arrested for DUI may claim they were suffering from a medical issue. This is because they do not want to accept responsibility for driving impaired. Because of this, the State of California requires significant evidence to demonstrate someone was suffering from a medical issue. The State does not want every person facing a potential DUI sentence to try arguing they had a medical condition. This is why if you were arrested for DUI due to a medical condition, you must contact an experienced attorney.

What Should I Do if I’m Arrested for DUI Due to a Medical Issue in California?

A medical condition is a reasonable defense against DUI charges. Most people who experience a medical issue behind the wheel pose no threat to other drivers.  Many will never experience another medical issue again while driving. No one should have to face potential jail time for medical reasons. This is why if you or a loved one have been arrested for DUI due to a medical condition in California, you should immediately contact us.

The Attorneys of Patrick Silva don’t believe anyone should ever face jail time due to something beyond their control, such as a medical condition. We will work with you to collect doctors’ records, test results, and other evidence to prove your case. We will only rest once your name has been cleared and it’s been established you were not driving under the influence.

Life with a medical condition can be difficult enough without leading to potential criminal charges. If you or a loved one were charged with DUI due to a medical condition, don’t hesitate to call Patrick Silva, Attorneys at Law, at 909-500-4819. Being sick shouldn’t be a jail sentence.


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