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What are the first step after getting released from being arrested for a Dui?


Hello this Attorney Patrick Silva with another answer to one of your frequently asked questions, recently I was asked what are my first steps after getting released from being arrest from a Dui? Probably the very first thing that you want to do is call the DMV Drivers Safety what you are going to do is request an administrated hearing, the reason you want to do this is when you were arrested and if your Blood Alcohol Level was .08 or higher the officer gave you a pink carbon paper that is your temporary license. That is only good for 10 days, by calling the DMV you are requesting an ASP hearing that’s going to put a Stay on your suspension, that’s a fancy word for we’re going to to put it on hold. It will take the 10 day temporary license and extend it at least till two weeks past your hearing. In essence get another two months of having a valid license. I do recommend also going down to the DMV and getting a California Identification Card. This is Attorney Patrick Silva, Have a Great Day.

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